Saturday, February 26, 2011

My favorite picture of Alivia!

My mom is AMAZING!! This picture was not edited with any special effects... the only thing that was edited was Drew's car which was in a lot of the picture. My mom is the MASTER at cloning things out so I sent it over to her and she fixed it! she is my hero! ...and so... this picture is my favorite!! 

:] What do you think?

Friday, February 25, 2011

Photo Shoot & Tangled ... again :]

Drew and I took our niece, Alivia, to the movies today. Of course we decided to see Tangled. On the way home we passed by this super sweet old bus! So, of course I had to take pictures by it! We ran home, got Livy "dressed up", and headed back! *Note to self* 2yr olds are a LOT harder to take pictures of than anything!! :] but so much funnier! The whole time Livy kept saying.. "I'm going to the bust... I'm going to the bust!"

Here are a few pictures from today... we are going back out tomorrow to add Adam, our nephew, into the mix.

...and much more to come! :]

Sunday, February 13, 2011

The start of a wonderful Valentines!

Last night I was surfing the web and found a recipe for homemade doughnuts! My sister in law and I were all over this idea! ...and to make things even cooler... Alexis suggested making them heart shaped doughnuts! It was a very interesting process, but by the time we got to the doughnut holes... we were MASTERS... 

 I do owe all the photography credit to my wonderful husband! Isn't he awesome?!


The key is to keep the oil on LOW not HIGH... we learned this the hard way.. burnt doughnuts.. and burnt skin :/

Then you take them out of the oil and let the oil drain off on a wire rack...

We also made homemade icing. It was DELICIOUS!

Livy being Livy :p
(I think she gets it from her uncle Drew... in fact, he may have told her to do this)

...and save the best for last... here is his perfect picture! He is so proud of himself...
... as am I :]

... Life Lately ...

Since we have moved in with Drew's sister our lives have been much different! I feel like we had twins and one of them came out a 2 year old haha. It has been good for me to be so close to these little buggers because I'm learning how to be an in law... and the coolest aunt ever ;] 

Adam is finally warming up to the male gender... especially if they have cereal. :]
Drew makes me baby hungry all the time because he is always playing around with them.
He will be such an AWESOME dad... in like ten years ;] so, for now, he picks on Adam and Livy

Every Sunday, Alivia will run up to Drew and I and ask us if she looks like a princess. Every Sunday we shower her with compliments! 

Friday, February 11, 2011

Together Forever! :]

My sister in law showed me this editing site online and I am obsessed now! 

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Is this not the CUTEST thing?!

Adam decided to hang out with us one day, so I plopped him on the bed and he crawled right up to Drew and started watching him play the Wii. He mimicked Drew down to the position he was laying in. ha. It was the cutest thing ever!