Thursday, September 8, 2011


Drew was looking at our blog the other day and turned to me and said "Last time you posted was in JULY! you need to get on it!" haha. We have both been so busy and life is flying  by for us. Here are a few updates..

1. We went to Colorado for a quick trip home. We drove out for Dillon's farewell and to help my mom with all the party planning. 

2. My little brother left on his mission :[ I bawled. Long story short, I absolutely HATE the MTC. Worst experience ever! Sorry Tanner and Spencer, I am NOT taking you to the MTC. However, Dillon is doing great and learning the language quick.

3. We both started school. I postponed my graduation a semester so that I can focus on my health and not being so stressed all the time, so my new graduation date is in April. THEN I am finished!!

4. We are finally "going for it" and starting up my photography "business." I have fallen in love with taking pictures of the temple and everyone seems to think I should share my pictures. So be expecting a website soon and all that jazz. Here is a sneak peek... 

5. I work at Red Robin in Provo and am loving the extra money right now. Drew is still working at Heritage schools and is also loving his job. He gets to watch tv, play sports, hang out... and all be paid. Lucky duck! 

6. Daisy is getting bigger and bigger. She now has two retarded ears. They want to stand up (the Yorkie in her) but her ears are to big (the doxin in her) so- they stick straight out to the side. And yet we still love her. She loves watching tv and will literally bark when it is a scary part. She pays attention to what is happening. It is HILARIOUS. 

7. We are loving life and each other. Staying busy. and keeping up with work, school, church, and our marriage. 

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