Saturday, November 17, 2012

37.5 weeks or 40.5 weeks?

The final days leading up to Lily's birth were quite interesting! My mom came to town and stayed with us for a few weeks and it was so awesome! I owe her sooo much! The first week she was here, she helped me clean my house, finish decorating a few rooms, get anything I was missing for Lily, make her bows, take pictures, cook every meal for me, and we definitely can NOT forget the back massages, foot massages, and most importantly, playing with my hair! haha.

Here is the belly bump while I was in Colorado! 2 weeks before Lily arrived! 
Still no stretch marks and it is all BABY! you can even still see my hip bones! We got a good laugh out of that! 

The second week of her being here was a little more exciting and eventful. She arrived on a Tuesday and on Friday I started having insane contractions. This was my original due date according to my period, so I was getting excited in between the pain. ha. I decided to try and ease the back pain with a hot bath, but that didn't seem to help, so my wonderful mother, (who had already taken a sleeping pill) got up and dressed and walked me around the neighborhood for hours! We timed the contractions and started packing the hospital bag.. and of course the contractions STOPPED! I cannot even begin to describe my annoyance! I ended up sleeping in my mom's bed that night and woke up the next morning ready to walk and walk and walk! Saturday night was a repeat of Friday night and when Sunday rolled around... I was more than annoyed and didn't want to do anything else to make this baby come!!

 Just days before Lily arrived... 

It was pretty quiet around our house until Tuesday night. Once again, the contractions started and were regular. This time I decided to just let everyone sleep and try to make it through the night because I had a doctors appointment the following morning. I was still having contractions through the ultrasound and doctors appointment. Lily was measuring another 2 weeks behind in size. The annoyance began all over again because I knew the doctor wouldn't help speed things along especially with her size! I was dilated to 4cm and 90% effaced! I thought for sure he would send me in to labor and delivery, but no.

We ended up leaving the doctors appointment a little down in the dumps and discouraged, but the contractions were still going on strong and began to be a lot stronger than before. Drew went to class and my mom and I began walking all over town again to try and get things moving! Drew came home from class and I told him I was ready to go to labor and delivery. He proceeded to question whether or not it was time. (talk about things NOT to say haha.) After some deadly looks on my behalf, we drove to the hospital! I wasn't really sure I was in labor, I more so wanted to know if I was making any progress with these contractions. I definitely was not expecting what was to come next...

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