We went to the hospital around 5pm on Wednesday, September 19th. My aunt was working so I got hooked up right away and they waiting began... My contractions started getting pretty painful after laying there for a little bit and in an hour I progressed to 95% effaced and almost 5cm (when I came in I was 4cm and 90%) so they called my doctor to see what he wanted to do! We were all convinced he was just going to send me home, so we already started getting things ready to go, and my mom was already giving me the pep talk that everything would be ok.... BUT he didn't, the nurse came in and said he is admitting me and I was not leaving without a baby in my arms :] I was MORE than excited and had totally forgotten all about the contractions and couldn't think of anything else but my little girl! I was going to have my body back!! haha

They had me switch rooms from an observation room to a labor and delivery room! Talk about luxury!
It was so nice and comfortable. The nurses re-hooked me up to all the monitors and asked when I wanted the epidural, of course my response was ASAP! haha We were all so giddy and full of excitement I didn't notice anymore contractions. I had tested positive for strep B so I had to have an IV put in and antibiotics right away (to protect Lily from getting it) They hooked me up with saline (keep me hydrated in labor because you can't eat or drink), penicillin (to protect Lily from getting strep b), and pitocin (it makes the contractions more regular)

After getting all that going, we did all the paperwork and then my doctor walked in, said he was going to break my water! I thought it would be so painful, but it actually didn't hurt at all. As he was breaking my water, the anesthesiologist walked in to do my epidural. OH MY THOUGH! The contractions after my water broke were almost unbareable!!! During the first two contractions after my water broke, they were putting in my epidural and I was literally dying! Drew and the nurse had to hold me still (because it is a giant needle that sticks out of your back!!) because I hurt so much from the extra pressure! BUT when the epidural finally kicked in I was in HEAVEN! I was so smily and giggly and didn't feel a thing! I was put on a little oxygen, because Lily's heartrate would dip during every contraction, so they wanted her to get more oxygen via me!
When they broke my water I was 5 1/2cm... 30min later I was 7cm... another 10 min goes by and the nurses come running back in and I was 9cm. haha. They left again thinking it would be a little bit longer, but NO JOKE, they walked out of the room and I turned to my mom and said "I think I just pooped" haha My mom looked and started laughing! Lily's head was right there... the nurse came running back in again and I was all ready to go! The doctor wasn't even on his way to the hospital yet. Everyone assumed that since I was a first time mom, labor would be a LOT longer.

The nurses rushed and got everything ready for Lily to arrive and had me do a couple practice pushes while we waited for the doctor and after 2 contractions of pushing, they had to tell me to stop.. not only that, I wasn't allowed to laugh, sneeze, cough, move, nothing! Each contraction after that was pushing her out without me even doing anything! Her head was half way out and my mom and the nurses were playing with her hair when the doctor arrived. He hurry and got dressed, told me to push, and then told me to stop pushing! that he would do the rest. haha! It was so funny! She came right out!
It was the easiest labor and recovery I have ever heard of! I honestly had no complications! She cried immediately and there were zero signs of her being early, undeveloped, nothing! She was a perfect fully developed baby! SO, my original due date was correct! Lily was 3 days late! :]
She was born at 9:58pm and weighed 5lbs 14oz 18.5in long!
Well, everything calmed down after that.. I was moved to another room to stay for the next few days. Since the labor was so quick, they didn't get a chance to get a second round of antibiotics in me, so they had to do blood tests on Lily until she was 48hours old. So we had to stay in the hospital a little longer than usual. We came home Friday night at 1130pm. I was not spending another night in the hospital. I was going to stir crazy! It was so nice to be home too! AMAZING REALLY! She is the most perfect and happy baby ever!!! Everyone has commented on how perfect she is, and the nurses would CNA's would come in just to see Lily and hold her. It was funny! She is so beautiful!
She is such a good eater too! She is little so she gets her fill quick, but it was pretty easy to get her to learn to breast feed! OH get this... she LOVES her feet being rubbed!!! It's like a drug to her. haha she will start getting mad or fussy and I will rub her feet and her whole body relaxes IMMEDIATELY and her eyes roll back and then when I stop, she will squak at me to keep going hahaha! She LOVES it! She is already a complete Reynolds! :]