I know this post is a little late, but I have been meaning to take pictures of our valentines gifts to each other for forever and just barely got around to it... whoops...
Here is us on our way to dinner! I love Drew so very much! What a stud! I am so lucky to have such a wonderful man as my eternal companion!
[Pictures coining soon]
We had a super awesome Valentines. I honestly could not have asked for a better one. We exchanged gifts periodically throughout the day and then at the end of the day, we went to Flemings. If you haven't heard of or been to Flemings, it is a formal steakhouse... and so DELICIOUS! Drew has been dying to go there for forever, but due to how expensive it is, we decided to save the trip for special occasions. We made a new Valentines Tradition to always go to Flemings for dinner... if there is one wherever we end up ;]
Since we are newlyweds and super poor ;] we had to get creative. We both spent a little money on each other, but made sure it was all meaningful.
Gifts from Drew to Me:
A Massage
(I am constantly asking Drew to rub my back! I feel like it never stops hurting and Drew is always so willing and loving to rub my back every time I ask... sometimes even when I don't ask)
A do-it-yourself back massager
(Drew then gave me this dealio, so when he wasn't around, I could still get a back massage!)
Chinese Lanterns
(We both love the movie Tangled and had the idea to make the lanterns in the movie and then light them into the air... Drew beat me to it... unfortunately, spray fireproofer is like impossible to find, so we didn't end up doing this on Valentines day, but still plan on doing so soon!! :])

Gifts from Me to Drew:
Getting my nails done
(You may think this was a gift to myself, but there is nothing more Drew likes than acrylic nails and a head scratch! I hadn't had my nails on since the wedding, so he was starting to go through withdrawals ;] So, I got my nails put back on and he got a pretty awesome head scratch if I do say so myself)
Ralph Lauren Cologne
(This may sound cheesy, but one of the things I absolutely love about Drew is that he always smells so good! He found this cologne in a magazine and has been wanting it ever since... since the regular sizes are like $75, I went cheap and got him the travel size, but it is surprisingly lasting a very long time)
Pictured Rubix Cube
(I was so excited to give this one to Drew! He loves the Rubix Cube, so I saw this super cute idea to cut up pictures and glue them to a Rubix Cube! A few days before Valentines Day, I literally had to HUNT for a Rubix Cube! I went to 2 Walmarts and a Target and then FINALLY found one at the 3rd Walmart I went too. Ridiculous. Anyways, I couldn't keep it a secret and ended up showing Drew the Cube before it was finished.. I still had two more sides to do.. but we mixed up the Rubix Cube and Drew began to solve it... because the pictures have a certain orientation and aren't just a solid color... it took him two days to solve it! But I finally finished it and am actually pretty proud! I didn't have an exact cutter so my next Cube will have super straight lines...)
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